Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 390 Gaining Foothold


As the celestial realms opened their gates, revealing the splendors of Paradiso, a breathtaking panorama unfolded before Alice\'s eyes. She found herself standing on a celestial platform, suspended amidst a vast expanse of clouds and radiant light. The air was filled with a harmonious melody, a symphony of celestial sounds that resonated with ethereal beauty.

Paradiso was a realm of magnificent architecture, where towering crystalline structures reached toward the heavens, gleaming with iridescent hues. Gardens adorned with vibrant, otherworldly flora stretched as far as the eye could see, their petals glistening with celestial dew. The celestial beings, with their majestic wings and luminescent auras, moved with grace and serenity, their presence embodying an ethereal elegance.

But amidst this idyllic setting, a sudden disturbance shattered the tranquility. The Celestial God, along with his race, sensed an unfamiliar energy rippling through the fabric of Paradiso. Confusion and unease gripped their hearts as they watched in astonishment. A tremor of fear coursed through their celestial beings.

And then, like a bolt of lightning, a wormhole materialized in the celestial skies. It tore through the celestial realm, a rift in the fabric of their peaceful existence. The Celestial Race stood frozen in shock, their eyes wide with disbelief.

From the depths of the wormhole, a surge of energy emerged, crackling with power and determination. The forces of humanity, their ships ablaze with the spirit of defiance, burst forth into Paradiso. The Celestial Race could only watch in horror as the wormhole disgorged an unending torrent of warships and soldiers, a relentless wave that threatened to overwhelm them.

Panic swept through the ranks of the Celestial Race as they scrambled to react to this unexpected assault. Their once serene realm now echoed with the sounds of battle, cries of both celestial and mortal warriors filling the air. The balance of power had shifted, and the Celestials found themselves facing an adversary whose resolve matched their own.

As the Celestial God gazed upon the chaos unfolding before him, a seed of doubt took root in his heart. How had this come to pass? The dream he had been trapped in had deceived him, preventing him from anticipating this turn of events. He realized that the Child of Prophecy, Ashton, held the key to his confinement, and the realization filled him with a mix of fear and frustration.

At that moment, as the celestial and mortal forces clashed in a furious struggle, the Celestial God\'s gaze locked with Ashton\'s. The two figures, separated by the divide between dreams and reality, shared a moment of profound understanding. The Celestial God recognized the weight of his own actions, the consequences of his hubris, and the limitations of his power.

As the Celestial God surveyed the chaos unleashed by the arrival of humanity\'s forces, he understood that the course of the war had taken an unforeseen turn. The Celestials, once secure in their celestial realm, now found themselves pushed to the brink of their own existence. The Celestial God\'s heart sank with the realization that the fate of his race hung in the balance.

With the wormhole serving as the gateway for humanity\'s invasion, the Celestial Race was forced to confront a harsh reality. They were no longer the sole bearers of divine power, no longer the unchallenged rulers of the celestial realms. The balance had shifted, and the Celestials were left to grapple with their vulnerability, their once unassailable dominion now at risk of crumbling beneath the weight of mortal determination.


As the celestial realms opened their gates, revealing the infernal landscapes of Inferno, Blake, known as the Titan, stood at the forefront of humanity\'s charge. The atmosphere around him grew thick with oppressive heat, and the air filled with the acrid scent of sulfur. The terrain of Inferno was a desolate wasteland, where rivers of lava snaked through jagged rock formations and ominous, towering volcanoes spewed plumes of smoke and ash into the fiery sky.

The Hypogean Race, creatures born of darkness and fire, emerged from the depths of Inferno, their forms wreathed in flames and shadows. They possessed an inherent ferocity, their eyes glowing with an unearthly intensity. The ground trembled beneath their weight as they readied themselves to face the impending onslaught.

With a resounding battle cry, Blake led humanity\'s forces into the heart of Inferno. His presence was akin to a force of nature, his footsteps leaving trails of cracked earth in his wake. As he charged forward, his fists clenched with determination, the Hypogeans recoiled at the sheer magnitude of his power.

Inferno was a realm of perpetual chaos, where lava flowed like rivers of molten fire and caverns echoed with the agonized screams of lost souls. The very atmosphere crackled with dark energy, and the sky was eternally cast in an eerie crimson glow.

But amidst this infernal backdrop, humanity\'s forces surged forward, undeterred by the hostile environment. They fought with unwavering resolve, their blades glinting with defiance against the overwhelming odds. Blake, their indomitable leader, unleashed devastating blows upon the Hypogeans, his fists striking with the force of an earthquake. With each powerful strike, the ground quaked, threatening to swallow his adversaries whole.

The Hypogeans, though formidable in their own right, found themselves facing an adversary whose strength seemed boundless. Blake\'s raw power and unwavering determination were matched only by his strategic brilliance. He led his forces with unwavering resolve, rallying humanity to rise against the darkness that threatened to consume them.

As the battle raged on, the landscape of Inferno became a maelstrom of fire and shadows. Explosions of infernal energy lit up the skies, casting an eerie glow upon the battlefield. The clash of swords and the roar of combat reverberated through the desolate wasteland, the cacophony of battle drowning out the sounds of anguish and suffering.

In the heart of this chaotic confrontation, Blake\'s eyes burned with fierce determination. He understood the weight of his role as humanity\'s champion, the responsibility of leading them to victory against the Hypogeans. With each strike, he pushed himself beyond his limits, drawing upon the primal forces of earth and fire that coursed through his veins.

The Hypogeans, despite their fearsome nature, found themselves pushed to the brink by humanity\'s unwavering assault. Blake\'s leadership and unyielding resolve ignited a spark of hope within his fellow soldiers, infusing them with the strength to fight on. The Hypogeans, accustomed to wielding their dark powers unchallenged, now faced an adversary who refused to bow before their malevolent might.

As the battle reached its climax, the very fabric of Inferno trembled. The Hypogeans, are driven back by humanity\'s relentless advance. Eventually, they were unable to keep them from gaining a stable foothold in their home.


As the celestial events unfolded before his eyes, the Celestial God found himself trapped within the confines of the Dreamscape, unable to exert his influence over the unfolding war. He watched with a mixture of unease and frustration, his celestial gaze fixated on the chaos and determination displayed by humanity and their newfound allies.

Every fiber of the Celestial God\'s being yearned to intervene, to guide his celestial brethren and turn the tide of the war in their favor. But as his gaze shifted to Ashton, his captor, and companion in this dreamscape, he was met with a steadfast resolve that left him feeling uneasy. Ashton\'s words echoed in his mind, reminding him of the consequences of his interference.

Despite his immense power and divine nature, the Celestial God found himself stripped of agency, relegated to the role of a mere spectator. It gnawed at him, a sense of restlessness festering within his being. He could feel the weight of responsibility pressing upon him, urging him to take action, to protect his race from the encroaching threat.

But Ashton\'s power held him in check, keeping him restrained within this dreamscape. The Celestial God\'s frustration grew with each passing moment, his divine essence straining against the invisible bonds that kept him imprisoned. The knowledge that he was unable to alter the course of events filled him with a deep-seated discomfort, a feeling of powerlessness that grated against his very nature.

He doesn\'t even know if all of this was the truth or just another fabricated dream!

Amen yearned to break free, to unleash his celestial might upon the battlefield and turn the tide of the war. He could not bear the thought of his celestial brethren suffering and falling before the onslaught of humanity\'s forces. Yet, Ashton\'s presence acted as a constant reminder that he was bound, his influence restrained within the confines of this dreamscape.

As the Celestial God\'s gaze shifted once more to Ashton, he could not help but feel a mix of resentment and curiosity. Why had Ashton chosen this path? Why had he trapped them both within this dreamscape, preventing their direct involvement in the war? The questions swirled within the Celestial God\'s mind, causing a seed of doubt to take root.

With a heavy sigh, the Celestial God resigned himself to his current predicament. He understood that, for now, he was to observe and reflect upon the unfolding events. The fate of his race and the outcome of the war lay in the hands of humans and their allies.

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